Posts Tagged ‘Change’



February 7, 2009


It seems that everywhere I look someone is talking about change. It is been a huge part of the political scene. Obama won the election largely because people believed in his motto–Change. Across America people wanted change and believed he could deliver. There’s talk of change in the economy. Things are down and everyone wants that to improve. In matters of state, our troops are out and regardless of which side of the aisle you call home, everyone is hopeful for a peaceful resolution and change in the tempers of the Middle East.

Although I share the desire for change globally, locally it is a different matter altogether. Working from home has afforded me a great many opportunities. One of which has been the chance to spend the last week relishing my baby boy. Most men get their newborn home and then it’s back off to work. At work all they think about is this new precious boy waiting for them at home.

Realizing this hasn’t been my most productive week professionally, it’s been a week I wouldn’t change for the world. I have loved every moment I’ve spent holding, kissing, talking to and looking at Coleman. I understand that eventually (sadly, sooner rather than later) I’m going to have to get back on the stick and concentrate on work as much as I did prior to Cole’s birth. But today my time and energy is focused on Coleman, and I would love it if that never had to change.

Also, as I look at him now he’s innocent and perfect. That too I don’t want to change. I know the difficulty and struggle that awaits him out in the world. I know there will be times when his body will be damaged and his heart will be broken. Even though I understand that those things will teach him lessons he needs to learn in his life, my initial instinct is to protect him and keep him safe. Today, I can hold him in my arms and keep all that is evil and harmful away, and I don’t want that to change.

So let the politicians cry for change. Let Wall Street pray for change. Let Main Street hope for change. Me, I’ll enjoy things just the way they are today. I’m going to savor every precious moment, I have with my boy. I’m going to hold him in my arms, enjoy today and worry about tomorrow some other time.
